
2021年6月25日—3]WindowsTimeline.MicrosoftisremovingtheTimelinefeaturefromWindows11.Itwasbasicallyusedtohaveachronologicalviewofapps ...,2022年4月20日—Buteventhen!Timelineshowsavisualdisplayofallyourpreviouswebpages,makingitsimpletogobacktoanotherpage.Sureyourbrowsercan ...,2022年11月9日—OnWindows11,MicrosofthasremovedtheoldTimelinefeature,insteadprioritizingyouropenappsandVirtualDesktops,which...

List of Features Deprecated or Removed in Windows 11

2021年6月25日 — 3] Windows Timeline. Microsoft is removing the Timeline feature from Windows 11. It was basically used to have a chronological view of apps ...

Timeline, replacement for File History

2022年4月20日 — But even then! Timeline shows a visual display of all your previous webpages, making it simple to go back to another page. Sure your browser can ...

Windows 11 review

2022年11月9日 — On Windows 11, Microsoft has removed the old Timeline feature, instead prioritizing your open apps and Virtual Desktops, which now appear ...

Windows 11

2021年6月24日 — A slew of once-hyped Windows 10 features, including Cortana and Timeline, are vanishing or undergoing big changes in Windows 11. The details ...

Did they get rid of the timeline feature?

2021年6月25日 — I live 1 mile from One Microsoft way for 20+ years and no I don't work there, never have. Now, if I could figure out how to uninstall window 11.

Windows 活動歷程記錄和您的隱私權

了解Microsoft 如何使用活動歷程記錄資料,以提供個人化的跨裝置體驗並協助改善其產品和服務。

Get help with timeline

To get started with timeline, select Task View on the taskbar, or press Windows logo key + Tab, and select an activity. How do I ...

How to clear and disable activity history on Windows 11

2023年3月13日 — To disable activity history on Windows 11, open Settings > Privacy & security > Activity history, click clear history and turn off feature.


了解如何使用時間軸,在任何Windows 10 電腦上返回您稍早執行的項目,例如處理文件或瀏覽網站。